OK, this should be the last Gears post for a bit and I can try and catch up with Assassin's Creed, yes don't expect any new stuff for quite a while as I will be behind on Mass Effect 3 anyway as that comes out tomorrow in the UK, anyway, nothing new for this blog though!
Haven't been gaming that much really, I've played a bit of Assassin's Creed: Revelations but I'm at the stage where playing the economy side of things slows your overall progress but it's great fun to be part of the world of Constantinople. I'm enjoying the Desmond segments, though I would have preferred straightforward memory sequences to moving blocks around a weird physics space. Multiplayer is good too, I like that there is more of a story to it and you can unlock Abstergo files as you progress.
New Enemies
This is the interesting one, in the first act several new lambent types crop up in both phases of the game to attack our Gears, though it seems there has been some peace from the lambent as they are generally surprised to see them pop up.
Lambent Stalk
These stalks are generally how the lambent reach the surface with these enormous mutated plants bursting from the ground or sea, carrying the lambent soldiers in pods that burst open explosively.
The most common of the new lambent forces, these small spider-like creatures attack in swarms to overwhelm enemy forces. Like most lambent creatures they have a tendency to explode when shot at or fought hand to hand.
Lambent Drudges
Drudges are the powerhorse of the lambent forces in the first act, initially they attack much like locust drones only they are capable of mutating into a range of forms, from a brute with two massive arms to rooting themselves in the ground and forming a tree-like structure that spews imulsion at you.
Lambent Leviathan
This is the set-piece of the first Act, an enormous sea-creature mutated by the imulsion attacks the Sovereign where Marcus is based, they defeat it with the help of Cole's team who come up with a very creative solution...dropping a mass of captured tickers onto it!!
A very nasty creature - the result of a Boomer meeting the imulsion, results in a very powerful and very explosive creature.
And that's it, except for the Locust group that Cole and his team meet up with which have gone rogue because they are stranded from the main group and hounded by the lambent so they have become savages. They are originally thought to be a vicious group of Stranded who won't let anyone near them.
And that's your lot for now - I'll be playing Act 2 soon so there might be more content before long, you never know...