As a side note, to make clearer what I'm doing I'm putting my opinion on them as a viewer first, then an in-universe description of the species in italics. Both are based on my viewings of the show and on my own opinions and theories, though I try to base it on as much "factual" evidence as possible.
Pig Slaves
Not to be confused with the mutant Pig created by the Slitheen in series 1, these creatures are a mutation of human and pig DNA created to serve the Daleks. I, at first, did confuse them with the earlier pig mutant and while they don't seem to be the same thing, Russel and the Doctor Who team do seem to have an affinity for walking pigs!! Whilst they are a simple construction and relatively little information is given about why they were made they did create a good sense of danger before the larger threat of the Daleks was revealed.
The Pig Slaves were mutated humans created to serve the Daleks in the most menial of tasks and to serve as extra ground forces due to there being only four Daleks remaining. The daleks used a combination of human and pig DNA to create a subspecies with the physical size and strength of a human, perhaps even greater, butwith the reduced intelligence of a pig mind, making them subservient. the Daleks cared little about them, and used them as disposable footmen, the life span of the pig slave after mutation was reduced to a few weeks. There seem to have been multiple stages of the mutation as one slave Lazslo was able to escape full mutation and still retained his intelligence and some of his appearance, the Doctor was able to save him from the effects of the mutation, stopping him from dying, though he was unable to remove the physical effects.
This was quite an interesting step for doctor Who to take, and also one of the best prosthetics I've ever see, those moving tentacles were just fantastic!! I thought the concept was good and it developed well, and the thought of a new race of benign Daleks was a cool possibility, but as usual they killed it off before it could be developed into something more, though I suppose it might not have worked in the long run, even though it would have been cool. My only real problem with this was that Sec was able to gain the best of human qualities from a man who was willing to sell out the entire planet for his own personal gain, othwerwise I believed in it and enjoyed watching it.
The first and only Dalek-Human was created as a blof experiment by Sec, the leader of the elite Dalek group. the cult of Skaro. The four Daleks were made with the capacity to imagine and develop their own ideas to the advantage of the Dalek race. When the cult emerged from seclusion in the void and found the rest of their species, including the Emperor to be dead they took desperate measures to ensure their survival. Dalek Sec went beyond what the cult had planned and fused himself with a human, emerging from his Dalek shell with a human body but with the organic charecteristics of a Dalek, namely greenish skin, tentacles and a single eye. The human influence on Sec lead him to pursue more peacful avenues to ensure the survival of the Dalek race, the other Daleks disagreed and killed him, ending the experiment and killing the only one of this new species.
I was at first disapointed that these hyrbrids of human and Dalek DNA weren't more like Sec in appearance or that they didn't become all Timelordy after the Doctor put his own fingerprint on them, but obviously budget constraints etc. meant that they couldn't do everything- and in the end they still looked pretty cool with their Dalek tommy guns! I can understand why they killed them off, but i don't understand why they keep killing off good villains/ heroes like with the Racnos in the christmas special, they would have made greta new villains, but they were killed off in one episode - ah well!
The Human-Daleks were the creation of the Cult of Skaro's "Final experiment" to prolong and develop their species. They captured many humans, ones with low intelligence were made into pig slaves, ones deemed to have high intelligence were taken for transformation. In a genetics laboratory all traces of the human mind were wiped clean to be replaced with Dalek characteristics. The Daleks tried to turn them against the Doctor, but he had tampered with the altering process, giving them his own characteristics. The creatures, valuing freedom, turned on their masters and destroyed two of them. In response to this the remaining Dalek, Caan, remotely triggered the destruction of all Human-Daleks wiping out this new species mere minutes after it's creation.
The Lazarus Experiment
Firstly sorry that there's no image of the monster itself, I've searched most related sites, but I can't find one anywhere - if anyone knows where I can get one post a comment and I'll try and put it in. The monster was quite an interesting creation, the idea of it being a deviant of human DNA, a possibility that was rejected by nature, was quite an interesting one, I disagree with the theory, but it was much better than the "oh no! he's mutated!" which is what we usually get in these kind of scenarios. As a creation it was one of the better CG creations, Doc Who CG elements have a habit of being excellent or really poor, this one did pretty well and had a definite "presence" in the episode. My main gripe with it is that it absorbed "life force" - one of the most pathetic devices used in science fiction purely for it's own convenience.
The creature that was formed from Doctor Lazarus's experiment is a one of the kind creation, and while unique it can still technically be described as human, or at least partly human. In an attempt to rejuvinate his ageing body. He used a device to reengineer his DNA to create a younger version of himself and was succesful. However, his DNA continued to reorganize itself, eventually transforming Lazarus into a creature that was a castoff of human genetic code, something that humanity could have become but didn't due to environmental and other causes. The creature was large and scorpion like in nature with purpleish skin and a large gaping mouth and a flexible tails which was used to "feed" off other humans. The Doctor was eventually able to reverse the process, returning Lazarus to human form, but also killing him.
Well that's until the next three episodes are done, 42 is coming out soon and looks to be an interesting one. Enjoy folks!
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