Well there's gonna be a fair bit of Legacy content coming up as I'm a few story arcs behind with my reviews. Also I can confirm that, after posting the 'Cade's Journey' post,
Legacy series artist Jan Duursema has actually read this blog - oh yeah, you're among the greats here on Blogga!!
Well it'd be nice to draw a bit more attention with a project like that, but for now I'll return to my usual run of introduction, with thanks and borrowing from Wookiepedia. I'm going to introduce you to some more characters from Legacy. I'm focusing for a while on the Empire loyal to the Sith which rules the galaxy. While Krayt sits on the throne, the running of the Empire is still done by the old Moff Council, though they now serve the Sith's commands, albeit very grudgingly.
The MoffsThe structure off the Moffs has changed several times during the reign of the Empire. At the current time the council has six members, including one High Moff who rules the council. As per usual each of the Moffs governs a sector (as do lower ranking Moffs) but the Council Moffs are also responsible for an area of the Imperial rule.
Morlish Veed
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Unknown
Position: High Moff, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Forces
First Appearance: Legacy # 1 (Broken, part 1)
Morlish Veed is High Moff of the council and is as ambitious as he is cunning. He rose through the ranks of the Imperial Navy until he reached the rank of Grand Admiral and became a Moff, earning his place on the council and becoming High Moff. He was an active figure and lead the fleet that defeated the Galactic Alliance navy at Caamas, winning the war for the Empire. He expected to be named Emperor, but the Sith claimed the throne for Darth Krayt. Veed has grudgingly served his new masters, but the council are eager to regain power and he is always looking for ways to undermine the Sith and become Emperor. He is involved with Moff Calixte, who is often the driving force behind his schemes and is happy to be 'the power behind the throne' while he seeks power. He indirectly aided the plan to free Cade Skywalker to deny the Sith his power, though he would have preferred him dead. He is continually looking for ways to gain power.
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Unknown
Position: Moff, Head of the Imperial Army
First Appearance: Legacy #1 (Broken, part 1)
Geist is a 'hardliner' Moff who looks back to the glory days of the Empire. He was a war-hungry Moff, who tired of the 'Victory without War' programme to peacefully bring planets to the Empire and was sick of Emperor Fel's manipulations and wanted the Moffs to have superiority. And so he supported the Sith-Imperial and stands by his decision, though he regrets the Sith rule that has come into place and further weakened their position as Moffs. He was irritated when the Sith dismissed the council after capturing Skywalker without telling them what happened, he argued with his fellow Moffs, even accusing Konrad Rus of being a spy.
Rulf Yage
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Position: Moff, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy
First Appearance: Legacy #1 (Broken, part 1)
Moff Yage was once a lead fighter pilot in the Imperial Navy, commanding the elite Skull Squadron tasked with protecting the Imperial Capital and key personnell as well as take on special missions. His skill was such that he rose within the navy, becoming responsible for co-ordinating starfighter tactics and eventually becoming Grand Admiral and Moff. He was involved with Moff Calixte who bore him a daughter, Gunn, shortly before leaving him for Moff Veed. His last act in the war was to lead the atack on the Jedi temple, for which he was named 'hero of Ossus', however the devastating massacre of the Jedi crushed Yage and he was never the same afterwards. He was hard on his daughter, raising her like the son he wanted, and she eventually earned her place as leader os Skull Squadron. Yage was responsible for co-ordinating starfighter flights on the capital and when, as part of the plot to free Skywalker, he was ordered to recall fighters from the temple he complied.
Konrad Rus
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Unknown
Position: Moff, Head of the Imperial Mission
First Appearance: Legacy #1 (Broken, part 1)
Moff Rus is responsible for the Imperial Mission, a movement set up by the first Emperor of the Fel dynasty. The Mission serves as a peacful way of bringing species and worlds to the Empire as part of the 'Victory Without War' programme. Rus co-ordinates the various 'missionary' stations and secures funding and resources to aid worlds for the Empire. The missionaries embody peace and so he wears a white analogue the the Imperial Military uniforms the rest of the Moffs wear. While seen as part of the old regime, and indeed he maintains contact with a number of Fel's supporters, his loyalty is to the throne and he betrayed princess Fel's location to the Sith after it was told to him by Missionary Vao, though he tried to ensure that Krayt would not harm the girl. He continues to serve, though he is isolated from the rest of the council, who don't trust his contacts with Fel.
Species: Chiss
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Csilla (?)
Position: Moff, Head of the Diplomatic Corps
First Appearance: Legacy #1 (Broken, part 1)
'Fehlaaur' is a Moff who serves on the council as a fully fledged member yet also is made useful because of his connection to the Chiss Ascendancy, to secure the formal alliance between the two groups. As head of the Diplomatic Corps he is responsible for the alliances between such groups and other neutral parties like Hapes. Before the war he also worked with the Corps, having dealings with Jedi such as Kol Skywalker. Fehlauur managed to remain calm during heated council debates, bearing accusations against the Ascendancy for harbouring former Emperor Fel.
Nyna Calixte
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Homeworld: Unknown
Position: Moff, Director of Imperial Intelligence
First Appearance: Legacy #1 (Broken, part 1)
- as Corde #9 (Trust Issues, part 1)
The most complicated and intriguing of all the Moffs, her story and ambitions have shaped the actions of many around her, yet so little about her is known. What's complicated is that she lives two lives, one as Moff, the other as one of her own agents, Morrigan Corde. Morrigan Corde is an out of service agent that does freelance work, she was also involved with Kol Skywalker while on a joint mission and secretly married him and had a child called Cade, living with him for two years until she was recalled by the Empire. As Calixte she married Yage and had a daughter with him, Gunn, before moving on to Veed because her marriage wasn't working and also to further her own goals. She brought the Sith into the war because the Empire was losing against the Jedi. She was angry when the Sith attacked Ossus and suspected that Krayt wanted the throne. To counter this she enabled Emperor Fel to escape, creatinga counterbalance that meant the Sith needed the Moffs to hold the loyalty of the Empire. She brought 'Morrigan' back into action when the Sith went after Cade and prevented the Sith from finding him (while also sabotaging an alliance between Fel's Empire and the Galactic Alliance) and later rescued him, utilising both the Moffs and Cade's crew in her plan. What her plans or loyalties are, no one knows, but she will always be one to watch in the unbforlding saga of
Morrigan Corde