Friday 29 June 2012

Blogga's Wall - May '12

Spectacularly out of date as always, but here's what went up on my wall in the month of May!

1) Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1

A new series from Dark Horse comics set in the Mass Effect universe. This series focuses on individuals within the continuity and fleshes our some of their backgrowund and other details to set the scene for Mass Effect 3. This issue focuses on the new character James Vega and his getaway from a life on the edge of the law to serving with the Alliance military, nice to put a bit of flesh on the bones for this character and I look forward to getting to know him better in game. 

2) The Hunger Games

  Worth seeing for the haircuts alone!! A very well realised sci-fi world complete with sci-fi haircuts in a range of colours. The setting of a televised death match between children in the different 'districts' was very well realised and an exciting watch. 

3) Avengers Assemble
 Now THIS is a movie!!! It was great to see all the new Marvel stars in action in this action-packed movie pitting the rough around the edges Avengers against Loki and an invading army of Chitauri. With a fantastic balance of action and humour (Hulk absolutely stole the show!) and great comic book fanservice (Helicarriers!) it was a visual delight and a worthy comic book adaptation. 

4) Heir to the Empire: 20th Anniversary edition
 I was given this book as a wedding present and it has been fun to re-read the definitive Star Wars book wioth my wife and finally having an actual purpose for all those Essential Guides I bought!! Annotations by the author make it fun to re-read with his perspective on certain parts and the challenge of establishing a new Star Wars story. 

More soon!!

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