Saturday 2 June 2012

Star Wars 1313

E3 hasn't even begun and the announcements are flying already including one I definitely wasn't expecting - an entirely new Star Wars game with a very interesting perspective.

Before you ask the 1313 doesn't have anything to do with a year it refers to a lever on Coruscant where the game takes place. The lead character is a bounty hunter who hunts and lives in this shadowy area during the time of the Empire, beyond that details are sketchy but we should have more info during the official announcement of E3.

It's a very interesting move for Lucasarts to take with no Jedi or force powers, no epic scale battles or...well I don't know what but I am very intrigued about this one and while it's not quite the surprise of last year's Halo 4 leak/announcement it's certainly got me watching my computer screen with anticipation.

My only conern is that this means we're not getting a follow-up to the confusing and soemwhat aggravating end to The Force Unleashed II. But this game may be a step back in the right direction for the genre and the fact that we're getting a new Star Wars game at all and one that looks, dare I say it, poretty good!!

More from E3 soon I expect!!

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